Equality and Diversity Policy


1. Introduction

AT Technical Limited is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace where all employees, regardless of their background, are treated with respect and dignity. This Equality and Diversity Policy reflects our dedication to creating an environment free from discrimination, harassment, and bias.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, clients, and visitors associated with AT Technical Limited. It extends to all aspects of employment, including recruitment, training, development, promotion, and termination.


3. Principles

a. Equal Opportunities: We provide equal opportunities for employment, development, and advancement to all individuals, regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or any other characteristic protected by law.

b. Non-Discrimination: AT Technical Limited is committed to a workplace free from discrimination. Any form of discrimination, including but not limited to direct or indirect discrimination, harassment, victimization, or bullying, will not be tolerated.

c. Inclusivity: We embrace diversity and actively seek to create an inclusive culture that values and respects the differences in individuals.


4. Responsibilities

a. Leadership Commitment: The AT Technical Limited leadership team is responsible for promoting equality and diversity, setting an example for employees, and fostering an inclusive work environment.

b. Employee Responsibilities: All employees are expected to adhere to this policy, treat each other with respect, and contribute to creating an inclusive workplace.


5. Recruitment and Selection

a. AT Technical Limited is committed to recruiting and promoting individuals based on their skills, qualifications, and abilities, ensuring a fair and unbiased selection process.

b. Reasonable adjustments will be made to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities during the recruitment and employment process.


5. Training and Development

a. AT Technical Limited will provide training to employees on equality and diversity to raise awareness and promote understanding.


7. Reporting and Investigation

a. Employees are encouraged to report any incidents of discrimination, harassment, or unfair treatment. Reports will be handled confidentially and investigated promptly.


8. Review and Update

This policy will be regularly reviewed to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with changing legal requirements.


9. Conclusion

AT Technical Limited is committed to creating a workplace that values diversity, promotes equal opportunities, and fosters an inclusive culture. We believe that embracing diversity makes us stronger and better positioned to provide outstanding professional services to our clients.


AT Technical Limited Leadership Team
